
It's like looking into your future


If you haven't seen this already, please do. He lives in Tampa, and Ya'el wants to get him to come to campus to speak, or maybe just flit about. Be sure to check out his fashion page. I would take up a huge collection to see this guy have a dance-off with Brandon in his Lepretard costume.


Introducing Kitchen Monkey

New food blog. Check it out. Tasty recipes, restaurant reviews, pictures and text! See what we had for dinner last night without using a colonoscope!



The Miracle

It had been eight years since Page's accident, since he had last walked. But,
last night, with some encouragement from Liz and the other partygoers, he rose from his chair and hobbled joyfully across the room.



In no way intending to compete with today's baseball, there will be bocce and snacks at our place sunday afternoon around 4 or 5. Bocce fever continues to rip your flesh.


Goddamn the Liberal Media

And come to a fucking potluck!
Patterson and Alameda are having a potluck at Alameda this Friday at maybe like 8.
There will be instruments and whimsy.
At least a few kinds of hippie mush.
This is also a key party, so make sure that you drive yourself lest you carpool and end up in an orgy.

Also: I just broke up with David, so if you see him, give him a hug.
And if you see me, give me a hug, too. Dammit.


more potluck goodness + twist + G.WIZ-o-ween

Ahoy, comrades!
Saturday, October 30th (two weeks from now), we shall be hailing the arrival of fall with a new themed potluck: Bring Your Own Gourd! The BYOG party will be held at the mystical Alameda 2040, and it's purpose shall be to explore the possibilities of all those funny shaped gourds they're selling on the market stands this time o' year. We'd like to see each person bring at least one gourd-related item, but if you're uncreative and just grab some brie and a bagguette at the last minute, we'll understand. There is rumor that this event will also host a pumpkin carving contest.

Already wetting your pants with excitement? Wait, THERE'S MORE!

That same evening, from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m., G.WIZ will be hosting its annual Halloween event. There will be haunted houses, ghost stories, a mad scientist, and all sorts of other festive delights. It costs $2.00 to get in, but it's free if you volunteer to help out at the event! Mary "insert ghoulish laugh here" Whelan is already excited about dressing up as a mad scientist, but people in costumes are not the only talent the Wiz is looking for: I'd like to paint something awesome on the big glass doors the week prior to the event. A werewolf with a TI-86 calculator, perhaps? Ghosts with test tubes? Scientists and artists: let's unite!

So, to recap:
Saturday, October 30th
5:30 'til 8 p.m.: G.WIZ-o-ween
8:30 'til question mark: BYOG at Alameda 2040

Please post or e-mail me (kelsey.harris@gmail.com) if you're interested in volunteering; Our volunteer coordinator would like to know how many bodies we can plan on showing up to help.


Gâteau Fabulous

So, as promised, there was a lot of cake tonight: carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, chocolate cake with peppermint frosting, strawberry spongecake with whipped cream, apple-brandy cake, cheesecake, guava pastries.

strawberry cake

apple cake

I like this themed potluck idea. Roasted meats next time?


One last SBC Debate?

Tomorrow night at 9 o'clock. Might as well be SBC. Who's down?


Sketchy picnic

The picnic was de-goddamned-liteful, as planned. There was lots to eat, and big blankets, and a distant threat of rain, and oh, did I mention we got locked in after the place closed? We did. I don't know if that qualifies as an emergency, but we used the appropriate exit.

There was sushi, and deviled eggs, and fruit salad, and guacamole...

...and garlic stuffed dates wrapped in bacon.

The caliber of the food was such that it quickly rendered the majority of the group supine.

Oh, and there were flowers.

Squinty Alum

Joe, quit it.


Bush's mystery bulge (no not that bulge you perv)

If you don't already know abou Bush possibly being wired during the first debate, check out the following (you need to register with the NYTimes to view that one, but it doesn't take long, and it has a picture. Gooood stuff.





I think I'm going to go to selby this weekend. I havn't been in quite a while. Would anyone else like to go? Maybe they'll still honor my nc id.


So, we bloggin' or...?